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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Monday, March 3, 2014

I Wrote a Letter........

I wrote a letter recently, a lost art for certain, and it felt good to get it all out on paper. Sometimes the healthiest thing we can do for ourselves is to process all our feelings on paper. It's tough to say things out loud, to capture all our thoughts without editing ourselves. We hear the words and we are conditioned to soften them and make them kinder, gentler, and lets be honest....less real.  Sometimes raw is what we need. Sometimes pure truth is called for. You tell it like it is and suddenly you are free.

I tried not to be cruel, but to simply state the truth as it was. It may have caused some pain as it broke through the layers of denial, but after all this time, it had to be done.  We cannot be allowed to skate through life never accepting responsibility for our actions and choices.

I face my choices every day. I stand ready to defend my choices if necessary as I believe in them. I weigh my options and think before I act, always. I rarely speak or open my mouth without first considering my audience and the repercussions of what I might say.  It is our individual responsibility to ensure that we hold not only ourselves accountable  to our choices but those we interact with as well who directly impact us. It is not my job to accept the weight of someone else decisions as my own. I have enough to carry through this life, I don't need the extra load of someonbody who is shirking their duties.

I found writing the letter was a path to freedom. I was able to cut the ties that had bound me for years. The letter allowed me to address long held feelings and thoughts that, once put to pen, evaporated like disappearing ink from my heart and mind. It was like writing the final chapter of an epic novel and placing it on the shelf. Closing the book and knowing that once lived it was not a story you would feel compelled to live or revisit again.

I have no regrets about the Letter I wrote, but perhaps next time I will try writing a letter of happier tones and words. Something to someone I love and cherish and wish to foster an ongoing and continued bond with. A leeter of happy times and shared laughter.

Writing is a lost art. They no longer teach penmanship or cursive in schools. Its all about keyboarding, and computers. The need to spell and use proper grammar will soon fade as well. Tomorrows generation will rely on artificial intelligence to do their thinking for them.  As for me,  I much prefer keeping the artistry alive. Fostering the talent of thought and text.

 I wrote a letter...and I have a feeling it was the first of many.

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