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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Monday, March 10, 2014


Gestures, they can be as simple as a smile, and yet........they have a ripple effect like a pebble in a pond. They radiate out from their impact point and they touch lives exponentially without even knowing it. Sometimes they take time and thoughtful preparation, and sometimes they are effortless and simple.

A gesture can change the temperature and outlook of someones days from gray to blue in a heartbeat. They can make someone who is sad feel hope, and someone who is lonely feel accepted. A gesture can touch the heart and in turn pay forward and touch the hearts of uncounted others.

Yesterday, I was in the company of women I hardly know, many of which, I have only met once or twice. And, while there,  I was the recipient of just such a gesture. The wonderful woman who was hosting, had heard of my dietary restrictions from the friend who had invited me to join. As our hostess, Judy, prepared for the event, she called my wonderful friend and asked of my specific needs. She then proceeded to make a special element of the meal just for me. I am not a regular member of the circle of women who gather, and yet this amazing woman took the time to consider my needs. To include me. Her gesture was thoughtful and kind, and it touched my heart. I am not a religious person, but I do believe in karma. I believe that what you put out in the world comes back to you. If I am right, and the karmic scales are always balancing themselves, then Judy has blessings coming her way for certain. As the day went on, I found myself observing, and it became apparent that Judy thinks of others often. She had small trinkets and gifts for many. She thinks of others all the time, and performs small acts of kindness that I am certain emanate forward.

A gesture can be as small as a smile, a hug, or a handshake.  It can be a thoughtful act of kindness that takes minimal effort or more, but you trust that whatever you put in, you will get back. The key is to give selflessly, without expectation.

Too often in today's society we find ourselves consumed by the demands our our days, our jobs, our lives. It's all about us, and we forget that we are all dependent on one another. We need each other to survive as a species. One small gesture, can impact the world. Like a pebble in a pond. one strand of DNA is difference between primate and man, one seed can create life. One gesture can make a difference.

Pay it forward.

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