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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Spring Is In the Air

For the second day in a row in the northwest, we have bright blue clear skies and sunshine. Even as I sit at my desk I can feel my mood warming with the weather, not that I ever really fluctuate one way or the other that drasticaly, but there is a definite buoy to my spirit. 

As hard as it is to adjust to the time change each spring, I do love driving home at night while the sun is still up. This morning when I arrived at work, I could hear the frogs in the nearby marshes. It's like every little thing is part of this grand symphony being written one note at a time.

The breeze, the bees, the birds, the crickets, the frogs, they all come back, and they all wake up to welcome and usher in another season of new life and new beginnings.

My daffodils are in full bloom and my rose bushes are starting to produce new leaves and signs of new buds. the trees are blooming and sprouting new leaves and the squirrels who were quieter in the winter, coming out only for food, are now out playing all day long.

Indoors, its time to clean out the fireplace and store things until fall again. Time to wash the windows and move the furniture to get any winter dust bunnies from underneath and behind. Clean off the patio,  refresh the lawn chairs, by the citronella and get ready for Spring and summer nights.

Goodbye Winter, its been real. See you next time you're in my neck of the woods, but now its time to focus on something brighter, a little less gray if you know what I mean. Not that I don't appreciate the cool crisp air and the comfort of the fireplace, but change is always nice.  It keeps life interesting.

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