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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Freezing Time

The alarm goes off and the familiar buzz wakes you from a dream that just felt comfortable.  You can't remember the details, the good ones are always fuzzy, but you know it was nice.  As you tuck your leg back under the covers the sheets are cool from the morning air and you snuggle in for just or two more snooze buttons. As you curl up, your legs tangle with those of your love, and you relish in the comforting thought that you are not alone. Life is good.

You curl up in the warmth of each other as you gradually ascend from sleep into the waking hours and ready to face the day ahead and you smile.

There are days and moments that I would love to freeze in time, just stop everything and be in that moment for long enough that I'm prepared for whatever lies ahead.  Pulling strength and courage to guide me through the obstacles in the road. Life is challenge. What goes up , must eventually come down, but then things always go up again.  Its the cycle of life. The way we learn and grow and develop a deep and clear appreciation and understanding for how lucky we are.

It was only a few weeks ago I was happy one day and the very next I felt as though my world was crumbling around me. Lies and deception, secrets and half truths, always come back to bite us, and this time they threatened the peace and happiness I thought I had found. I could have run away, or buried my head in the sand. I could have drawn conclusions and rejected all explanation or discussion. But...I chose to stand and face it....head on.  It wasn't pretty and it wasn't comfortable. There were some truly gritty moments and some painful revelations. But like any challenge we face in life, it was temporary. As long you face the challenge and commit to a resolution, you will always find one. Some solutions may take a different path than you dream of, but often times, you can reforge a path back to where you want to be.

Three weeks ago, the future was hazy, but today its clear, the skies are bright and the air is fresh.  My heart is content, and I am happy.

I am at a freezing point.  A point in which I feel complete, content, and confident in where I am and who I am with. Its a point I want to lock in, so that the next time I have doubts, I can draw on this moment.

We all face demons, doubts, poor choices, but its how we deal with those experiences and those of the ones we love, that determine where we come out in the end.

Its easy to walk away when things get tough, but its so much more rewarding to see things through, fight for what we want, and save what can be saved.

Just my two sense worth for the day.............

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