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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Heaven Helps Those Who Help Themsleves

Hello World! I've rejoined the realm of the living and glad to be back.  I've spent the last three days in bed sleeping and thinking of topics for my blog, and what I would have to say when I resumed my life phlegm free.

I have a woman I know who is a constant complainer.  She is a hypochondriac and is never content with where she is in life.  She is a bit like a soap opera in that no matter how long I tune out , when I tune back in the story lines are always the same.  Ultimately, I can't wait to turn the channel again. You see I'm not lacking in empathy or compassion, but I am lacking in tolerance and patience. If you find your allergic to peanut butter and every time you eat it your throat swells up and you can't breath, then stop eating peanut butter!!  Cause and Effect and Change.  If you know this about yourself and you eat peanut butter anyway, then you are a fool and I don't want to hear you complain about how awful you feel because of the allergic reaction you experienced for the umpteenth time because you chose not to change your course.

One of the many definitions of insanity, lies in ones actions resulting in the same result over and over again and yet the person chooses to continue that same action always expecting a different result and never receiving it.  If the popcorn in the microwave always burns at 3 minutes and 30 seconds then reduce the time.  Don't expect that by some miracle your going to chose 3 minutes and 30 seconds and its going to come out lite and fluffy.  Cause and Effect and CHANGE.

What frustrates me more, is when someone seeks my advice or input and then chooses to continue on the same path.  Perhaps the first time, it's about making your own mistakes and learning from them.  But what of those who DON'T learn from them.  They make the same mistake over and over and over again. And every time they complain about it, and every time they seek your advice, fail to heed, and make the mistake again.  Eventually I stop giving advice, and gradually I remove the person from my life.

It's like watching a bad train wreck, on the news.  You can only see the replay so many times before you change the channel.

The saying that heaven helps those who help themselves is so perfect.  If you are experiencing recurring failure in your life and what you are doing isn't working for you, then chose a different path.  Change your direction or the way you respond to life.  Help yourself and the universe will help you in return.

DISCLAIMER***This doesn't apply to kleptomaniacs....that's a totally different kind of "help yourself" and its bad......

1 comment:

  1. Isn't that what people with hangovers say each time? I'm never drinking again? But continue to drink. Glad to see that you are up and about again, and feeling better.
