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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Finger Pointing

We've all heard the bit about pointing fingers and four pointing right back at you, but I think sometimes in the heat of the moment its forgotten.  The truth is....pointing fingers never gets you anywhere.  It doesn't turn back the clock and reverse whatever was done. It doesn't fix whatever damage was done through the mere magic of pointing and laying blame. Pointing fingers doesn't bring a calm and soothing comfort in moments filled with stress and frustration. Pointing fingers only results in discourse and tension and often times resentment.  And the kicker......usually the finger pointing is false and misleading. When cooler heads prevail, it is more often than not discovered, that the person blamed actually was innocent.

Here's my philosophy.....are you ready.....JUST OWN IT.  If you make a mistake, even it was based on information or influence of others, Just Own It. Ultimately, rather you chose a path because of someone else or not, the end choice was YOURS.  No one can truly make us do anything against our will. There is always a choice.  It may not be easy, or clear, but there is always a choice. That's what Free Will is all about. Things like greed, distraction, fear, desire, and a whole circus of other emotions may cloud your view, but in the end you make the choices that take you where you are and you thereby should own them.

But he said......But she.......Well they........pointing the finger is simply an attempt to exonerate ones self from accountability. In the end, now matter what he..she..or they say or do, you make the choice.

Be humble when you err, proud when you succeed, and grateful when you learn and grow.   You own your successes, so own your blunders too. If you find you are always messing up, then maybe you should take a step back and reassess your decision making processes. Slow down, do your homework, think things through, and chose better.

Rather its work or home, public or private, own your actions and the results they bring. You will have more friends, more love, and more respect for doing so.

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