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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Lazy Days

If I were Catholic I would make my way to the closest church, snuggle inside that little wooden booth with the bamboo mesh cutout on the door and ask the Holy Father for his divine forgiveness.  Lucky for me I'm not catholic, because the mere idea of that little booth strikes panic and fear in me as I contemplate the small space and lack of oxygen while the walls close in around me. The only time you will find me in a stall this small, is when I an desperate enough to use a public restroom.  Claustrophobia and confession are a bad combination. As it is...I dodged one of those bullets. :)

So what would I be saying confession for?  Well...it might be a sin, but one I'm pretty sure God won't cast me out to the everlasting burning fires of Hell for.  Its true....I sometimes spend the entire day in my pajamas on the weekend. I have days I never even think about putting on real clothes.  I putter around the house in bare feet, slippers, or socks and a comfy soft pair of pajama bottoms with a color coordinated (sometimes clashing) t-shirt, tank, or Henley.  I confess, I have some truly lazy days.   A good book, a light blanket and cup of tea and I'm in heaven.

Now before you get all high and mighty, judgmental on me. They aren't often. I rarely allow myself the luxury of days like this. The guilt wins out, and I tackle all those pesky chores and errands that I never get to in the work week. Pajamas all day?  The truth is I am more often than not, running not walking through my days trying  to accomplish a million and one things which all seem to need done, NOW!  Its fairly common for my day to start with the alarm at 6:00 a.m. and not end until I sit at 11:30 at night. Even when I'm sitting I am folding laundry, paying bills, mending clothes, helping with homework, or any array of other tasks.  I am multitasking every day, all day. I fall asleep between !:00-2:00 a.m. and wake up at  6:00. This is life and Its never ending and full but down time is rare.
So.......when I find the treasure under the spot marked with giant X I take it. Lazy Days, are a commodity more precious than gold. 

This past weekend I had a Lazy day and I was thinking how mortified my mother and grandmothers would be at the casual I live.  I started my adult life stuck in the societal prison where a woman didn't emerge in the morning from her room (or to use a very archaic term - Dressing Chambers) without being fully polished and pressed, ready for public scrutiny.  Every hair in place, eyelashes mascaraed, and cheeks blushed.  The bed was made and the room was cleaned. You began your day early and were ready to go anywhere the schedule might require. Your nails were manicured, you wore perfume, and eyeliner and lipstick. My first marriage was tough.  The expectations were high and I was naive enough to believe I could sustain them. It may have worked in another time and age when women stayed home, but for the working woman, and eventually mother, this routine is simply not viable. I found in the reboot, it was necessary to make some adjustments. :)

I remember my Grandmothers both, rising early, dressing, making their beds, applying their makeup, and beginning their days. IF, they appeared in their nightclothes it was fully covered by a robe. Most women these days don't even own a robe. We walk around in our Pajamas and Nightshirts freely without hesitation. Modesty has redefined and our ancestry would roll over in their graves if they only knew.

I like my lazy days but there are times I look back and wonder about the formality of life and where it went. Was it my generation who rewrote the rules, or was it a gradual changing of the guard? There are times I think wearing Peignoir sets and regiment would be nice, even if for only a day. But in the big picture, roles are fluid and constantly changing and to survive, we have to sometimes roll with it.  PJ's at noon? Sounds like a good day to me.


  1. lol I'm Catholic and I spent a lot of time in those little confession boxes. Every Saturday afternoon to be exact. I think they had a small window and the fancy peg board wood between you and the priest. And you could never see the priest. Claustrophobia is a good way to describe it. But when you are little, the area seems bigger.
    My mom still makes her bed, gets dressed and does her hair before she comes out of her room. With her shoes on mind you. lol I'm all for Jammie days too. Infact I'm still in my robe today and it is 5 pm...Felt dizzy when I got up and I thought, today is a don't get dressed day for me. Why get dressed now? lol
    I think everyone's work should have a Friday Jammie Day. I bet it would be popular!

  2. I think a lot are seen through a different lens when we are young. :) Casual Friday would take on a whole meaning with Pajamas...I like it.:)
