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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Keeping Me on My Toes

Everyday is an adventure and full of surprises.  Sometimes its little things like a spider on the wall or ants in the window.  Sometimes its fresh flowers for no reason, or pastries for dessert. There are the small things, but the ones that really keep me on my toes are the big unexpected things. Sometimes good. Sometimes, not so good.

This weekend saw the epic conclusion to a month long celebration of Jeff's birthday. We wrapped it with a weekend away. Mother nature seriously cooperated and gave us the most amazing weather EVER, for March on the coast in the great Northwest.  Bright blue skies, zero wind, 70"s. A complete absence of morning haze which meant we didn't have to wait for the day to be half gone before the "burn off" of the oh so common marine layer. It was gorgeous from start to finish.We enjoyed our time together and rediscovered a little romance, and it was euphoric. We reconnected and in so doing rediscovered that love that sometimes gets buried in the day to day muck. Happy was the word of the day.

On Thursday before our trip began, I received what appears to be burgeoning into an annual event, the dreaded message from one of my children regarding their own spring break mayhem. To be clear, this is the 4th or 5th year in a row that something went terribly wrong over spring break in California while visiting their dad. From ACL damage, to broken limbs, to missed flights, broken hands, and pink eye, its always something different, and you never know what to expect. This year Brandon suffered a severe crash in the desert. As a result he is in a "boot" (yes the aforementioned ugly non-fashionable kind I refused to wear more than necessary with my recent broken foot - another blog entry) for a minimum of two weeks, he will miss his first week of classes for his spring term in college, he is off work with no income (he just moved in to his first apartment and rent is due today) for at least a week, and he is taking prescriptions meds for pain and swelling in his leg, hip, and elbow areas where he has some nasty bruising and significant rock rash (that's like road rash only instead of asphalt it was rocks in the desert). But for all intent and purpose, he walked away. This is good, a true testament to the value of safety gear.

My point in the telling of the two contrasting elements of my weekend, is simple. There is a yen and a yang to our lives. A positive and negative. Rewards and challenges. It takes both to truly round things out and maintain a healthy respect and perspective on all life is. From heart-wrenching concern to blissful companionship all in the course of 12 hours, its a never-ending journey that keeps me on my toes.

As for today, who knows? It started out well, and my week promises to be good with Jeff on a day shift for the duration which means home in the evenings......... So I am optimistic and have a good feeling. No April Fools Pranks for me this year, I'm keeping it real.


  1. I absolutely love this one! You are inspirational to me, m'dear! Thanks for showing me there is a ying, whenever there's a yang!

    1. The only thing that could make my world a little more yen than tang might be some Rustie time. :0

  2. Glad that Brandon is on the mend. How scary though. Is he back home or still in Calif?
    When we had my mom's bday party on St Patrick's Day weekend, my brother fell asleep driving going up to the mountains. He hit the center cable going 75 and took out a big stretch of that. He and my nephew were trapped with the cables wrapped around all 4 doors but managed to get out the window. They were both ok. But that is also like what you said, we were celebrating my mom's bday, Thank God they were safe.

    1. He is home and on the mend. Its always startling when to get that initial cryptic and ominous text saying "I ate sh** into a pile of rocks BAD! Just letting you know so there's no surprises". This was followed by details sparingly, slowly as the grueling wait on my end drove me crazy waiting to discover what "BAD" meant.:)
