About Me

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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Its my perogative....

When I started my blog, it was my intention not to make it a love fest about my kids, or my Jeff, or my life.  It was my intention to reveal my thoughts, observations and impressions of the world around me and to expose some of my own oddities and individual perspectives.

Well.....I realize that I surrendered that intention long ago....but guess what....it's my blog, and thus my prerogative to change my mind.  I am a woman after all......(hows that for sexist???).  Way to reinforce all those genre specific characterizations.  LOL

So today, I wanted to simply say Happy Birthday (this past Wednesday the 17th) to my 17 year old son. I , like any good parent keeping up with today's social networking norms, embarrassed him (I'm certain) by referring to him as my "baby" and telling him I loved him on Facebook.  How Dare I?  Well, I figure I am entitled to a few faux paux moments and slips given all the time and sleepless nights I have dedicated over the years.

In all honesty, I really am a very proud mom of both my boys. They are genuinely good people, with solid direction and strong core values in life. They make good choices and weigh their options before acting.  They are not impulsive or easily influenced and I even though that means a little headbutting now and then, as they strive for their independence, it bodes well for their futures.

Wyatt is a strong and fiercely independent young man.  He is focused on his health and staying in good physical shape. He runs 4 events in track and field at his school, and he works out at the gym regularly.  He is competitive and pushes himself to succeed.  He gets good grades (when he focuses) . He expects a great deal out of his life and is working hard to find the direction to make it all happen. 

Wyatt, turned 17 this week and it feels like just yesterday he was born. In the blink of an eye, he grew, he learned and he became this whole person completely his own. I realize that life is fleeting, it passes by at warp speed and we are all left to simply hang on like tail feathers on a kite. There is no pause button or rewind on a DVR, its one take, no do overs.  I am excited to see what lies ahead for Wyatt in the next ten years. I cherish the last 17 years and the memories of  all his accomplishments and foibles. And I cant imagine blinking and missing out on a single second here and now!.

Happy Birthday to my Wyatt.


  1. You do a wonderful job of being a mom!! And I enjoy reading about your family. You need to start blogging about them more.

    1. Ahh thanks. Its hard work sometimes, but TOTALLY worth it. And they are so handsome too. :)
