About Me

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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Who Am I....

I'm just a simple girl doing the best I can.  I have had the blessing and the curse of starting over more than once in life. Rebuilding from the ground up. I have taken wrong turns and hit dead ends and had to backtrack and tunnel at times just to find the path again.

I have wisdom hard earned and paid for with blood, sweat, and tears. I am spunky and confident but contrastingly insecure and contemplative.

I love with all I am and fight with the ferocity of a wild cat when hurt or betrayed.  I am devil and saint depending on the cause, and I am determined and hopeful always.

I am mother and friend, every hour of every day.  I am distant and occasional sibling and daughter.  I am in love with a man who has known me for more than 30 years and who has seen me at my best and worst and still accepts me.I am neither perfect nor corrupted.

When I fall asleep at night, it is most often fulfilled and whole. When I wake each day it is frequently with vigor and enthusiasm for what lies ahead. I laugh easily and cry quietly.

I am both selfless and selfish, ever enthralled in battle to do what is right for others but still right for me.

I think politics and religion are both deeply personal and volatile subjects and I choose rather than to debate the points , to resign myself to respect that each person has their own view. 

I forgive but never forget. I believe in honesty and loyalty and strive to always hold myself true to their meanings.  I am jealous and possessive. I am controlling and concise. But I am giving and kind , generous and protective.

I lead with logic, always using my head before my heart, but I am easily swayed through loving words and compliments.

I am a contradiction to myself, but I am me and that's all I can ever be.


  1. Good post. It makes a person think about who they really are. I motto is, if you don't like what you see, than don't look at me.
