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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Finding Joy in Others

Today I was reminded how fulfilling it is to find joy in others.

It started with an e-mail message that simply asked.....
"Have you ever felt like the universe is falling into place?"
As I read on, I experienced warmth and comfort spread like wild fire in my veins, coursing throughout my body. I realized that I was smiling without even thinking about it.  Understanding the peace and calm of someone else, had brought the same to me, and I was overjoyed in the knowledge of their tranquility.

Joy doesn't always have to come from personal firsthand experience.  Sometimes its found in the most extreme way, through others.

It's like gift giving. Better to give than receive, a quaint but true concept.  Fulfillment can be had by watching others soar. The smile on someones face who has been struggling, or the gratitude overflowing from someone who receives the tiniest of gestures. Joy can be hidden in the words of someones story, you just have to look, listen, or read between the lines.

The  Joy you find in others does not result by being selfish. It is about observation and empathy, compassion and love. You can find Joy in others triumphs and achievements.  When someone conquers a great challenge or overcomes insurmountable odds, you can find Joy. When someone simply realizes a truth, or finds an answer long sought, you can share in their joy.

Today, I found joy in someone else personal victory, and it was like eating a 6 course meal. Fulfilling, delightful, and inspiring.

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