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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Optimist or Pessimist?

There are two primary categories in which we as humans fit. Optimist and Pessimist.

The Optimist is as we all know and have heard, the glass half full proponent.  We see the world as a series of unlimited opportunities.  We embrace the challenges we face each day as a chance to learn and grow.  Life rarely gets us down and if it does we bounce back quickly.  We see the silver lining in almost everything we do and face.

The Optimist rarely complains about the world around them.  We accept where we are and what is before us with enthusiasm and energy. We infuse the people in our lives with hope and faith, and the belief that everything happens for a reason and in the end we arrive at the destination where we are intended.  The Optimist sees change as a constant, unavoidable, but embraces it with vigor and a dedication to see it through.

Optimist frequently live life without regret,  as we believe every turn, every experience, is a stepping stone which has brought us to where we are today and will take us to where we will be tomorrow.

The Pessimist, lives a life of challenge just as the optimist, but the glass is half empty.  There is always something to complain about, something to critique.  They can't live life without pointing out the shortfalls.  The Pessimist is frequently characterized through a "victim" mentality.  Things are always happening "to them" and they claim little if any responsibility for the consequences of their actions and choices.  Life is a chore and they are never truly happy or even simply content.  Even when things are going well the pessimist will look for flaws and go so far as to create them if they don't readily exist.  Change terrifies the pessimist, and someone is always being sneaky, deceptive, or in the pessimist mind, manipulative.  They see trickery and dark corners all around them and they are always waiting for the proverbial other boot to fall.

I  think it takes both Optimist and Pessimist to balance the world around us.  I don't necessarily see either as good or evil, frivolous or realist,  I see them both as character traits which can, if allowed, help to define who we are and strengthen us. I think that to much of either can be good and bad.  To optimistic and you can't face reality when it gets too nasty,  to pessimistic  and you can't find the joy in life.  We are all heavier weighted to one or the other, but in order to face life in a healthy and successful way, we need to find a balance, qi (chi). 

If you're an optimist, challenge yourself to also be a realist. See things for what they are, not just what you want them to be.  It's good to find the silver lining, but know that sometimes it takes great work and effort to get there.

If your a pessimist, challenge yourself to seek out the silver lining and positive side of challenges you may face.  Try to rise above the world as your enemy, and see this life we have all been given as a gift and opportunity to grow and prepare for eternity in whatever form it takes based on your individual belief system.

Bottom line, cherish each day, make the most of it, and remember to love and laugh because you never know how long you have and what tomorrow brings.

1 comment:

  1. I think we all have a little bit of both traits. Your last statement is very true. Enjoy life!
