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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Drama Queen/King - Inspired

Today's post is about the term "Drama Queen/King".  This was truly inspired by a conversation I had recently and I realized it would be really fun to write about.

What is a Drama Queen/King? Well the Free Miriam Webster Dictionary defines it as "a person given to often excessively emotional performances or reactions".  Urban Dictionary gives a similar, though slightly different, phrasing "1. An overly dramatic person. 2. Someone who turns something unimportant into a major deal. Someone who blows things way out of proportion when ever the chance is given" The Urban dictionary had a third definition, but I thought it a little too crude to re-post. :)

Psychologists might describe a drama queen or king as a neurotic personality with histrionic tendencies, meaning they tend to become needlessly dramatic. The psychiatric definition of Narcissism will frequently apply to the Drama Queen/King, but not always.

Bands like Greenday, Neurosonic, and Family Force 5, have written songs about Drama Queens, and provided their own expanded definitions and examples. It's become a mainstream term for the overly dramatic, quick to react with extreme emotion individual

We all know a Drama Queen/King.  They are the people who over react to everything in life good or bad. When you say something they automatically assume you are referring to them. They have a need to think the world revolves around their very being.  That the universe exists for them and everything that happens is about them, by them,  or for them.  Nothing is ever simple, its either the end of the world and they are the victim, or its the best thing since sliced cheese and they had something to do with it and want credit and acclaim.

The drama queen/king is typically used to describe a female, but trust me, I know plenty of men who fit into the catagory as well. :)  Thus the King monaker.  

The older I get, the less room and patience I have in my life for Drama.  Thus if/when I come across this person I am quick to cut ties and run the other way.  I understand that we all have a "Drama" moment in our lives, be honest, its true!  But don't let every moment be drama.  People don't like it. They may tolerate it, for a while, but they don't like it and you may soon (and frequently) find yourself in need of new friends. 

The universe is vast,  remember that.  It doesn't revolve around you, unless you are an enormous ball of gas ( I know a few who may fit the bill), then maybe.....Not everything I say is about you, or for you.  Trust me, someone who reads this will think it is about them.  Let me just say it's not about you,  trust me, its really not..... (this time). :)

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