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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Surrogate Mom - by Proxy

Over the years my sons have had many friends.  I have created an atmosphere in my home, where the boys know that their friends are always welcome and home is a safe and comfortable zone. 

I only have two children, it was a deliberate choice, and one I stand by.   But through the years there are times I feel like I've had dozens more even though they don't live with me and I (thank the higher powers) did not give birth to them. Have you experienced this?

As a divorced and single mom for the past 9 years, its important to me that I keep a good relationship with my boys and that I extend the open lines of communication to their friends.  The best way I can be a good mom, is to know my children and know their friends.

I have opened my heart and home to many of their friends and even those that are far away, still hold a special place in the history of our little family. Here are just a few.

Cody was a sweet boy with enormous spirit and energy. He spent a lot of weekends with us and many days of summer.  For a kid, he could pass gas like a man. :) You wouldn't want to share a room with him while he slept , what with the snores and flagellation, but the smile he always shared when he was awake was worth it.

Antony was a challenge, he was a good kid but his curiosity and lack of logic frequently got him trouble.

Joseph  was a great kid, he was true to himself and unique.  No matter where his path takes him, he will remain a thread in the fabric of our lives.

Chris was an actor at heart.  He was a prankster and always made me smile.  He brought out a playful side in others. He was a bit of a picky eater, but then I'm used to that.  He went on family vacations more than once and I truly miss his spirit in our home.

George still makes me smile.  He spoke in the third person always and had an appetite like nobody I've ever met.  George was a unique and fun.  He was another one of my boys, and we miss him.  He moved to Pennsylvania after he graduated High School.  I know that George will do big things with his life and I hope he gets the chance to visit us soon

Nick is like one of my own. He spends a lot of time with us, and I have no complaints.  He is funny and quirky and he is stands by his beliefs.  He has a great family life and it shows.  He calls me mom, and I consider him just one of mine.  I can't imagine there will be a day when he won't be a part of our family.

John is one my favorites, if that's allowed. He too is just one of my sons. He comes and he goes with freedom. He calls me mom, and I am proud to share that title.  He is unique and strong and determined and responsible, and he brings balance wherever he goes. He will always be a part of our family and, much like Nick, I can't imagine there will ever be a day he isn't there.

There are a few girls too but a only a few worth mentioning (remember girls, my heart is open to you and you are always welcome, UNLESS you hurt one of my boys, break his heart, and your out.  Sorry, its a mother lion thing).

Sarah was a like sister to the boys and and stayed with us for a few months.  She calls me mom. She has struggled in the past to find her path and her way, but I think she has finally found a way to stand on her own two feet.  She seems to be working her way through the labrynth and thats a really good thing.

Jenn, like a baby bird has spread her wings and flown away.  She is finding her way and discovering her path in life.  She calls me her second mom, and I am proud of the continual progress she makes as she perptually moves forward.  She has faced some enormous challenges in her life, but she is strong, determined, and gaining focus every day.  I'm proud of her.

Kasey is the love of my oldest sons life.  He adores her and its obvious that she returns the feelings.  She is patient and kind with him always and she is his biggest fan.  I couldn't ask for a more caring and loving woman in his life and if I had a crystal ball and could see into the future,  Kasey would be there at every stage. 


  1. Aww... Lisa this is amazing. I miss you all so much, and wish that I would have been able to say goodbye :(

    1. We miss you too, but life takes its turns and you have to follow your path. As your "mom" I'm always watching and reading and proud of you. We will see you next time you visit (we'd better) and the door is always open. Just stop by. Love you.
