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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Life is like a Box of Chocolates

It came to me this week as we received a big box of Sees in the office and opened it for everyone to share.

“My momma always said, Life was like a box of chocolates. You, never know what your gonna get.”
This is one of the most memorable quotes from the hit movie Forrest Gump. I had never thought about life like that before, but how true it is!

When I was a little girl, my dad always received boxes of chocolate and bottles of Whiskey from his co-workers. He loved Chocolate covered cherry cordials and could easily have eaten them all by himself, but he shared. The most surprising boxes of all though were the assortments. As he shared his box of chocolates with me,  I would gaze wide-eyed at the large assortment, wondering what was inside each one of those tiny chocolate-covered surprises. Daddy sometimes cheated, drilling holes in the underside of ones he wasn't sure about and putting those he didn't like back in the box seemingly untouched. :)  As for me, I loved the surprise of not knowing what I was going to get. My favorites were the toffee and the caramel, and like a kid at Christmas I would hope to get what I wanted. Of coarse I was terribly disappointed if I didn’t!

Life is like a box of chocolates, loaded with surprises, some delightful and some downright disagreeable. The yummy ones, of course, are easy to swallow, but the yucky ones are sometimes hard to stomach.
Those yucky ones, however, determine our depth of character. If life were all good, and your faith was never challenged, where would you be. It’s the bad times that test our faith and cause us to mature as we learn to and grow through everything we endure.

Life is a mystery. Tomorrow is a new day and no one knows, exactly, what will happen next. Each box of chocolates is different, and there is no way of knowing what is in each chocolate until bitten into (unless you hand pick each one or have one of those cheat sheets, but where is the fun in that). Therefore, like a box of chocolates, life is just a mystery that we come to comprehend as we bite into each new day.  


  1. I lost the cheat sheet and got stuck with a chocolate pineapple one...ugh...lol

    1. LOL, that's happened to me. I hate the ones that taste like they have fruit cake in the middle of them, nutty berry, blech.
