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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I Beleive...

Do you believe?

I love the innocence and faith of children at Christmas time. I wish we all had the same faith they do. I have read so many posts about not lying to our children, not creating false hope, or blurring the lines between fiction and reality, and I respect that, I do. Personally, I strive for honesty between my children and I, throughout the year, but here's the thing......for me Santa is real.

I've met parents who are anti-Santa Claus. "It's the first big lie we tell our children,".  But I disagree!  I think that a big part Santa Claus is simply encouraging and fostering the idea of a little bit of magic in our children's lives. I have always loved getting swept up in the spirit of the season. But are there legitimate negative consequences? Will our kids lose trust in us? Are we teaching them it's okay to lie? Will they eventually view God as the next big fairy tale that is to be outgrown? Or can the concept of Santa Claus be a positive thing to help them learn to think critically for themselves and not live on borrowed light.

I encouraged my children to believe. They wrote letters each year which expressed one key wish they hoped for themselves and then something for each member of the family. I encouraged them to think about not just themselves, but others as well. They took their job very seriously! As they grew older and began to realize that the man in the bright red suit was more of a symbol, we chose to continue to embrace Santa Claus in our home and to believe in the spirit of the myth.

I realize there isn't a man who lives at the north poll delivering toys to good little boys and girls. I realize the science alone of a man who flies around the world in one night delivering presents to millions of believers, is flawed in every sense. But there are wonderful people everywhere who donate their time, their money, and kindness to strangers and loved ones alike. They demonstrate a benevolence and selflessness, which is genuine and real.  I'm not a fan of the commercialism that surrounds any holiday, and Christmas is the biggest offender of them all, but believing in Santa is more than lists of wants and demands.  Santa is a symbol of generosity and kindness. Rather he be myth, or the evolution of a true saint who became a legend, doesn't matter, its about the heart.

The spirit of giving is what Santa is really about. It's about those butterflies I get in my stomach whenever I can help someone in need. Its about the warmth in my heart and the tears of joys which swell up, whenever I can see hope spring to life in the eyes of someone resigned to none.  I believe in Santa with all my heart and I've experienced the kindness of Santa Claus first hand. I've shown the kindness of Santa Claus, I've been Santa Clause, and I've known hundred of others who have been Santa Claus.

Harmful, harmless, or beneficial?Everyone has their view, and makes the choice, and I respect that.

As for me.. I still believe! I will always believe!

Merry Christmas Everyone.


  1. I love Santa Claus! I always encouraged my kids with believing in Santa. Probably longer than most of their friends...ho ho ho

    1. LOL my kids believed far past the age most of their friends stopped. :) I used to even leave hoof prints in the walkway, reindeer 1/2 eaten apples on the roof, and soot by the fireplace where Santa stepped out. :)

  2. We still tease Christi about scolding her parents one year. She pointed and shouted "You're nothing but a bunch of liars!" hahahaha! I reminded her that you have to believe in Santa, to get presents from Santa. He always gives the good stuff.

    1. LOL. Every kid reacts differently. I have one who still plays along because he KNOWS Santa brings the best stuff if only he believes! Then my other one will debate the ethics of the principle until he hits the point home, but he is also the one who cried when he found out that I worked on behalf of Santa when he was 9. :)
