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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Friday, December 21, 2012

A Day Like any Other...Take 2 ...A Retraction

Today is December 21st, 2012, and all those maniacal lunatics running about scampering to either hide or cause mayhem depending on their own personal brand of psychosis, were wrong. The world didn't come to a cataclysmic end. There were no meteors hurtling through space to take us out like a bocce ball knocks its opponent off the court. There was no melting of the earths core, or black hole, or spinning off our axis, or any thing to note. The sun rose, just as it has every day for millions, dare I say billions of years, and the world continues, humans with all our flaws and all. As a very wise and trusted friend recently said to me, "...Why would we trust the Mayans to predict the end of the world when they couldn't even predict the end of their own civilization?"

Yesterday I gave you an accounting of how I spent my morning, but since the world didn't end,  I feel its only fair to clear up a few things.

First, I did wake up, after hitting the snooze a few times, but there was no opera unless you count me singing along with Rachel Barry on my GLEE Christmas 2011 CD in my car on the way to work. Man I love the "Last Christmas" song.

I did not enjoy a delightful volcanic ash and seaweed wrap or a fresh dose of Botox to make certain my smile held steady all day, but instead washed my face with Noxzema. Who needs Botox (did you know that auto correct wants to make this BUTT OX) anyway? I smile all day without it, because you see, I love my life and am a generally happy person naturally.

I would never take a vigorous 5 mile run averaging 4 minutes a mile, although my drive to work is 7.4 miles and I'm pretty sure the leg of it known as the Burnside/Couch couplet frequently takes about 4 minutes to go a single mile.  Somehow that's not as impressive in a car as on foot.

I really did enjoy a nice cup of oolong tea, which the sales girl at Teavana informed me was indeed picked by monkeys. Its a good selling point which I guess sort of justifies the price per ounce which rivals commodities like gold, silver, and platinum.

I'm not fond of the whole Monk thing, with the vow of silence and those heavy robes?  Do they  wear anything under there?  Are they pleading the fifth so as not to incriminate themselves in something dastardly?

The only Mountain I crest in the mornings is Mt. Tabor and its up and over in my car.

I think people who become ordained priest, ministers, monks, etc. on-line are just silly.  And earning a black belt would require skill, coordination, and athleticism, which we have already established in previous blogs, I have none of. I would probably end up kicking my own ass, which although impressive to watch, I'm pretty sure wouldn't be the goal.

The truth in yesterdays blog was and always will be, the hug I give to Jeff when I say goodbye each morning and the waking of Wyatt. However, I would never stop to aide and abed the criminals posing as homeless people on our corners and on-ramps as they dupe trusting and naive people out of their hard earned money. And by the way, if your stupid enough to smoke around a gas pump, you probably deserve to blow yourself to smithereens, thus making the Mayan prediction for you personally, true I suppose.

I really would have rescued a bear and her two cubs if given the opportunity. And saving any species from extinction should be a concern of all of us.  I will never win a Pulitzer prize for anything I write, that's just silly.

I have long suspected that the cure for cancer is in a lab somewhere, but because curing cancer would hurt the profits and dig deep into the pockets of the medical and pharmaceutical industry masters who make billions in profits every year off the drugs they sell and the treatments they peddle to fight it, I don't suspect we will ever see said cure.

As for the fiscal crisis, we are still on the cliff and the partisanship bickering in our nations capital isn't helping. Perhaps if they stopped spending $10,000 to change a light bulb, or $150,000 on a new toilet, or stopped sending aide to third world countries who would sooner turn on us than thank us, we might be able to make some progress in fixing things. How about putting that aide, and all that funding into helping American citizens right here at home, within our own boarders? I know its too logical and not politically acceptable, but I am a working mother of two sons, and I tend to think more logical. 

O.k......so I feel better....they say the truth will set you free. I wasn't so worried about it when the end of the world was looming...But since today came after all, I figure honesty is best. So same as yesterday, here is the honesty... Continue to wake up, drink your coffee, go to work, eat your meals, laugh with your children, love your spouse, watch your favorite TV shows, read a good book, take a nap.......do what ever you always do. Because guess what? Tomorrow, just as it did today and yesterday,  the sun will rise , the earth will continue spinning on its axis, and so it will the next day and the day after that......Live your life just like always, but never stop trying to do it well. Do it better, because you know it matters!  You may not have the answers to solve the worlds crisis, but every thing you do makes a difference and means something to someone.