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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Garage Sale...

It's funny how much we collect without even realizing it.  I consider myself somewhat of a minimalist.  I purge ..frequently. If it doesn't get used it goes. Granted there are exceptions to the rules like seasonal items...but even so...mostly, if its broken, unused, outdated, or simply falls into that category of "hey..I forgot I had that", then I can do without it. After all, I went without knowing I had it this long..right?

So in the process of moving, you begin to realize, that even in the midst of all this purge, you still accumulate, against your greatest efforts. Things just seem to build up. Time for a garage sale.

And then, after the move, as I sit unpacking boxes, in the quiet of the house, waiting for Direct TV to reactivate my service which apparently can't be done until Saturday because they are so busy,  I have time to do nothing but think. I ponder. I compare this move and this need to purge, streamline, de-clutter once again, my physical world to my emotional world. A life without media outlets like internet, tv, etc, can be a dangerous thing.  It leads to philosophical thoughts and contemplation and in my hands, that can be highly disruptive......or not.

You see I realize,  I have already streamlined my emotional world.  I only hold on to those people in my life I consider pieces of my heart. I regularly de-clutter and trim the fringe and tattered threads that fray and pull at the seams of my sanity and self esteem. I have on occasion spent countless hours, days, months and years, trying to mend gaping holes of sibling and familial relationships that can never be worn and hold no treasured value to others, without which the darning of the threads is pointless. Why bother, cut the threads and move on.

Depending on who you speak with, family and friends are either of great value or little consequence. For me, they are neither and both. It is entirely depending on the individual and the size of the heart and commitment to the effort. Just as in moving there are a million different sizes of boxes and not every box will fit the need for every item.  Some things have to be packed gingerly in bubble wrap marked fragile, while others can be tossed about carefree. Somethings will be put on display while others will be placed in drawers. Relationships, people, hearts are never one size fits all and the solutions and answers are never textbook.

For me, its pretty cut and dry. Like everything else in my life.  If its touched, seen, used, felt...I keep it. I cherish it, I hold on to it and I care for it. If it brings me nothing but pain, sadness, emptiness, void, no value, question, apathy...then its time for a garage sale. I occasionally find myself looking for that item I once sold or donated, but then I remember why and I am at peace with it. If you are friend or family who I communicate with, you know who you are and you know that I treasure and love you, with all that I have. And if we are not, well....

1 comment:

  1. I use to have garage sales but decided they are way too much work. Now I just zip on over to the Goodwill and let them have my stuff. So much easier.
    And hey, you can let me be tossed about carefree.
