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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

From the Top of my Head to the Tips of my Toes.....

I think every muscle, every fiber of my skin and bone and tissue and sinew was used in the process of moving.  Today we rest. There is more to be done. Remnants you might say. A trail of things to gather. The Office has yet to be packed. There are items straggling in each room which will be boxed and gathered as we clean. That can wait for Saturday.

For today, the new dwelling is settling, Boxes are unpacked, things are finding their places and a certain calm is blanketing the air. Though there are certain to be things we find along the way that need changing or fixed, they will come in time. Today.... we rest.

Until the ghosts stir and the house decides to either accept us or reject us......yeah... Wyatt is convinced the house is haunted. It probably didn't help that we talked about the recent remake of Evil Dead or that we watched Insidious on DVD last night either. 

There is a door (the one that will be our new office space) that keeps closing on its own.  No open windows or doors creating breezes  that seem to contribute to it.... It just closes..with a light slam. Creepy, but not conclusive.

There is of course the Garage, filled with spiders, but what garage isn't full of spiders after having been vacant for a while? Creepy but not conclusive.

The Off-Limits Attic with the padlock on the door leaves the imagination to run wild and wonder what could possibly be up there. What if  its grandmas corpse in her flower dress in a rocker, or a deep freezer full of body parts? Jars full of experiments like in American Horror Story, Season 1? Creepy but not conclusive.

And then.....the discovery of all discoveries. Wyatt and his friend Nick noticed a loose board with a finger hole on the patio deck while we were moving in. Naturally, they took the first opportunity while Jeff and I were away, to lift the secret hatch and see what lay beneath. There was a short ladder leading to a door with a latch on it. And now the imagination and haunted stories begin. Neither boy had the gumption to go down the stairs or behind the door, but the mere idea of it has sparked intrigue.

The simple truth is, its probably access for plumbing and heating and such, but as in Evil dead they now have sinister creatures emerging from the heater vents in my floor coming from beneath the house and behind that door in that secret dungeon.  They have invented a world of dark and dangerous creatures that go bump in the night  in this old house. All we can do is hope they accept us and don't make our lives too unbearable.

If the plumbing issue this morning in which the Washing machine caused a backup in the kitchen sink is any indication, the ghost are already causing mayhem and staking their claim.. They don't know who they are messing with. I hate moving and I am not about to do it again anytime soon, so having said that, ghost or not, I'm staying, so buckle up , and hold on tight. Things might go bump in the night, but nothing is more formidable than a determined me. 

I ache from head to toe, and I am not moving again. Setting off a bug bomb in the garage, leaving the attic padlocked, putting a doorstop by the office door, calling a handyman to fix the plumbing, and for gods sake... leaving the dungeon alone. That should cover it.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Geez...You wouldn't find me alone in that house..lol
    The locked attic would creep me out. The dungeon comes a close second. And as far as the closing door, that would be off the hinges pronto! Problem solved, no more door closing on it's own....lol
