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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Tipping the Scales.....Balancing the Work.......

Let me just put it out there, bold and truthful, blunt and honest,  Moving Sucks.  O.k.  not so much the getting to start somewhere new, somewhere better, somewhere bigger, but the packing, the prep, the organizing and putting everything together. What a nightmare.

Here's the best part...my guys think I have the EASY part.  No...really. They think the fact that they have to pick the boxes up, put them on a truck, and then take them back off a truck makes their job the hardest. Really?  Really???!!!

I am the one who spent weeks finding the house..calling Realtors, visiting houses, filling out paperwork, budgeting finances, making sure we had a house to move to. 

I am the one who arranged to make sure we have all the amenities necessary to live; electricity, gas, water, tv, internet, you know....clean clothes, showers, all those things you rely on....that's right...you'll have those because of me. 

We wouldn't have a truck to move in if I hadn't made the call by the way.... :)  Your Welcome. :)

And the packing....Do you know how much work it is to pack a three bedroom house plus kitchen, dining room, laundry room, etc.?  I work full time 40-50 hours a week and come home every night to pack until midnight. Those piles of boxes that seem to be growing exponentially, are not magical, they are me. Again...Your welcome :)

And while we are talking about work balance, here,  who do you think is going to be unpacking all those boxes and putting things away at the new house? YOU????  LOL.  Stand up comedy might be your next gig, you should keep it in mind.  That's really funny.

Bottom line.

I appreciate having big strong guys around to help with the move, but please don't demean and belittle my contribution because you think your muscle and a few hours of work on your part trumps the weeks of effort and time I have dedicated to making sure we have a home to go to.


Now onward and upward,  lets pack this baby up and make a move. across town.....lol


  1. Replies
    1. I believe the exact comments were..."well you had the easy part we have the hard work, we have to do all the heavy lifting". Its as if they envision me sitting on a chaise lounge eating grapes and reading a tabloid magazine (as if..) while wearing a lounging gown and slippers and drinking ice tea a'la doris day. Caveman!

  2. I think I'd rather do their job and let them do the packing and unpacking. Than let them see how hard they work. And be sure to tell them to label all the boxes correctly. lol
