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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

The First Day of the Rest of Your Life

Sometimes I wake up and I forget how lucky I am for the simple luxury of opening my eyes to see the first light of day. To hear the quiet of the morning, the sounds of the pups stirring, Jeff lying beside me breathing deeply, still lost in a dream. Somewhere off in the distance a plane is taking off full of passengers destined for faraway places.  And I forget how lucky I am to be here. Not every day, but just some days.  Most days I know! Life is a gift and I know it better than most! I know how quickly and unexpectedly it can be ripped away without warning. I know the importance of cherishing every moment, every second we have. 

On October 7th nearly two years ago I learned my lesson.  I learned the value of life and I learned how much I wanted to live. I learned to appreciate everything. Every up and down, every nuance, every tear, every giggle, every smile, every fret.   I learned to feel it all, to let it all in, and to absorb it.  Sometimes, I falter, but most days.........most days are like finding buried treasure every day.  They are an adventure.  Each one new and exciting and worth the effort.

October 8th will trigger the first day of the rest of my life.  It's a pivotal day in some ways, but mostly it will be like any other.  It will be day 1 of year 3.  3-5 is what they said when they diagnosed my secondary PHT following my acute PE resulting in 22 blood clots 2 years ago.  But 3-5 was based on my life then. I was sedentary, inactive, full of unhealthy choices. Today I fight to live every day.  I eat right, I go to the gym five days a week, I move all the time.  I am strengthening my heart and lungs and working to make the most of them. I will not lay down and die just because that's what the medical community diagnosed.  Not me. 

Day 1 of year 3?  First day of the rest of my life.  That's what it signifies.  Not the end, just the beginning.

Whatever your challenge, whatever you face, don't let others dictate your fate.  Take it back.  Take control of your life, your future, your destiny. Nobody can predict when or how our lives will end, and nobody can tell us how to live them while we are here.  We chose! If you want to live a different life, follow a different path, then get off your ass and do it. Move your feet and make it happen. Happiness and health and peace are choices. Stop making excuses.

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