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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Strength is Beauty

Following Mothers Day I thought it might be appropriate to acknowledge a few simple truths as I have come to know and believe them.  Beauty is not found on the surface of who we are. Rather it is at the very core and inner design of each of us.

Beauty is not about having a luxurious mane of hair. It's not about the flowing locks and curls that smell of lavender and citrus, reflecting the sunset when the light hits just right off the water in the bay. They are lovely, but it's not beauty.

Beauty is not perfect skin and features. Again the perfect nose and lips with just the right pout factor are lovely, set against smooth unblemished skin and long natural eyelashes with eyes that sparkle. But Beauty is so....................much more

The perfect size 6 figure, well manicured hands and feet, all lovely...all speak to high maintenance grooming and wealth and personal investment in ones appearance, but beauty............they are not.

Beauty is about the spirit. The soul. Some of the most beautiful and stunning people I know, both women and men, will never be seen as super models, most won't even be models. But they are the most beautiful people in the world. They inspire, motivate, and represent each and everyday, those traits which we all should strive for.

Beauty is about finding a smile on a day when only frowns feel right. Beauty is about tolerance in the face of pain, and forgiveness when you would rather seek vengeance or restitution. Beauty is the strength to do what's right even when the wrong choice is a thousand times easier. Beauty is knowing who you are and standing proud, never denying your true self for fear of rejection by others. Beauty comes in size 24, size 2, age 18 and age 80. Beauty is about loving with an open heart, without judgement, and with courage. Beauty is full of wisdom.

We are each born beautiful, and we each die beautiful, its the choices we make in between that will decide if we live beautiful lives or just to be lovely. 

I had my lovely years, now I live to be Beautiful.

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