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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Leaky Eyes....

And there I go again....Another tear trickles down my cheek.  Seems I am feeling a bit emotional this week about the pending changes in my role as mom. I am overwhelmed with feelings of pride and joy at what an amazing young man I have raised, and how lucky I am to have managed to complete the process two fold (The first was 4 years ago).  How remarkable is that?  Not once but twice, I struck gold and had the honor of releasing to the world a young man capable of making great contributions and making a difference.

As I watched Wyatt's final track and field event at yesterdays districts finals, I realized that this was a pinnacle moment in time. and my heart swelled. When I reflect on the years gone by, I see my little boy growing into a young man and I realize his journey is just beginning.  Those starting blocks and that  pistol are symbolic of the path he is stepping onto.  He is poised and focused and now he needs to find where his finish line will be. 

As his mom, I am both proud and challenged by his independence and need to express himself. I know my job is nearly done, and yet I have so much left I want to share. Nuances of communication and temperament that may help soften the road before him.

I watch and read and hear stories, clips, and shows reflecting the parent child dynamic and get all choked up. Some stories evoke a simple smile, others bring a tear, while a minute sampling spark a full on emotional outburst of tears and quiet sobs.  Mom has been a part of my identity for 22 years! It's woven into the  routine and fabric of what I wear and do each day, and in a few weeks, my world changes.   It's a marvelous achievement, but it's the end of a lifetime as well.  A new journey begins, a turning point in the road, and a path I've never known. I'm  tentative in new places and unfamiliar surroundings. It may take me while to adjust to the new routines and rules of the game.

My eyes are a little leaky these days and I'm working to patch the holes, but its nice to know that some of the leaks are happy.

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