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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Have You Ever........

Today I was driving to the post office on my lunch break and One of my earrings fell out and down my shirt.  Without thinking about where I was or who was watching I immediately reached into my cleavage and ferreted out the sneaky little devil and put it back in ear before I realized that the old man in the car next to me at the stop light was watching.  Captivated really, at the adventure of wondering what was in my cleavage and what I was digging for. He had toothless grin and took a moment when his arrow turned green before he made his turn.

And then I thought......How many times have I done things in public without thinking about the perception and observations of those who might be watching or listening.  I'm certain that over the years I must have provided some comic relief, some horrified gasps, and some dark fantasy fulfillment that I don't even want to know about.

Have you ever done anything you immediately wished you could take back, or later thought, OMG  what was I thinking?

There are the typical burp and gas passages, they happen in restaurants, grocery stores, movie theaters, at work, even in the ladies room. And you always sheepishly pretend they are not you and you stare at that other woman across the way as if you can't believe she just did that...which of course she didn't but now everyone thinks she did.....and it works really well.....UNLESS, your hanging with the guys and then you proudly own it.

But what about the cleavage dive, or the wedgie pick, the waste button release, the bra removal, the crusty flick. Haven't You?  If you have, then there is no explanation needed.

How about the car self chat or the self serenade.... both of which are doubly special when you get caught by another driver and you cover by pretending you are having a bluetooth telephone conversation accompanied by a few ear taps and head nods.

When I'm stressed I count my steps and avoid stepping on cracks,  how many times have strangers watched me silently moving my lips counting my steps and thought, crazy whack-a-doodle.

We all have them, things we do without ever thinking, but someone is always watching, even if we don't care or pay attention. That's why I think the goofier the better.  Let it roll, then they won't know if its normal or not.  Was that armpit itch because she was imitating a chimpanzee or because her armpit really itched?  Hmmmm....They may never know.

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