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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Warp Speed Ahead

I keep stretching to find the brake pedal on life and realize that this adventure comes without one. There is no pause button, no mute, no rewind, no slow motion......it is all out balls to the walls every second of everyday and we are meant to hold on and enjoy the ride.

Though it's true sometimes my ride has been a carousel horse, more times it's the crazy tea cups, or the famous Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. These days I am on a speed demon roller coaster cornering and corkscrews, 360 degree twists and turns.

Time has moved into warp speed. My amazing sons are no longer little boys who need their mom, but young men beginning to build their own lives and forging their own paths. I keep calling my four dogs "babies" but the truth is even the "babies" are 6 years old this year; mommy will be 10 and daddy will be 11.  Not EXACTLY babies in the dogsphere.  Jeff and I just celebrated 9 years together......WHAT?!?!?!?  are you sure?  Yes...Nine.  Time seems to be moving at a pace quicker than it should.

It's as if at night when I fall asleep someone presses the fast forward button and I wake to to find myself further and further in the future with every sunrise. But wait...that's how it's supposed to work...right? I want to slow it down, and I'm helpless to do so. I want to hit Pause or stop and the buttons don't exist. I want to slam the brakes on but I can't find the damn pedal.  Its frustrating. All I can do is smile and hold on and hope to enjoy every second and not miss a thing.  I have to remember to put on my 360 vision everyday to ensure I see it all. This ride is quick and sometimes scary, but usually makes me giggle and laugh so hard my sides ache.

Just yesterday Brandon was 13 and Wyatt was 9 and we were in my midnight blue ford expedition making our move to the Northwest.  It was New Years 2006 and we were starting over.  This morning I woke up and it is February 2015, Brandon is 22, Wyatt is 18, and the northwest has been our home for now over 9 years.  Warp Speed, Tomorrow they'll be married with children and I'll be gone.

Life moves forward. Enjoy the ride.

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