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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Glenda - Soul Sister

Today I'm going to write about my dear friend Glenda. I feel compelled to explain why I feel convinced, once again that family is not about blood, it is about heart and soul.

We all know, whatever doctrine we subscribe too, that before we enter this realm we existed in a spirit realm waiting to be born.  That's where we all take a different fork in the road. I believe we communed with our friends and we were family bound by love and kindness. We were genuine and selfless and we awaited our turns for a vessel in which we would pass through this realm, a blink in time on our learning path through eternal time. One existence informing another.

Part of our challenge here, is that many of the friends we called family in that spirit realm are waiting for us to find them as they to are trying to find us. Its like going to the DMV and taking a number ticket from the machine and waiting in line. Sometimes you might end up at the same ticket window (or in the same family if the vessel is available), but more often that not, you end up somewhere else and the journey begins to find your way back.  Passing through mortality is not like signing up for match dot com where they found the siblings that had the most interests and traits in common with you and were the perfect fit, it was luck of the draw. 99% of us find we have little in common with our birth families besides a small amount of genetic material.  It's true, most of us grow up then grow apart and go our separate ways.

Family is where are heart takes us. Our souls are like divining rods continually pulling us towards something or someone. A compass to guide us home. We often feel obligated to fulfill the neo-traditional familial roles. To try to maintain those links and those bonds even when they don't feel natural. But there is no shame in the realization that the real bond lies elsewhere.  You can appreciate where you've been and the people who were a part of that, but at the same time, its OK to admit that your joy is found more fully somewhere else. Sometimes life begins by letting go. Changing your expectations of yourself and others and simply following your heart. It may lead to family, it may lead to friends, but it will always lead soul to soul.

Glenda is like a big sister to me. She has wisdom and kindness I cherish, and yet she values my wisdom as well. We are equals and yet we are both individuals with lives fully lived and experiences to guide us. Glenda is one stop on my way,... a  point on my compass which tells me I'm heading the right direction. I'm gathering my spirit family one by one and it grows all the time. She is an important part of it.  I know this for certain.... I count her amongst my most cherished, and my search never ends. My heart is always open.

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