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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Cards Against Humanity...Irreverant but Funny

Apple to Apples it isn't......it's similar.....but if you are expecting a PG rated evening of silly answers and mildly provocative topics.......this is not your game. 

Cards Against Humanity Box.jpgCards against Humanity is the 20 something generations version of Apples to Apples on Steroids and a fifth of vodka with a xanax and a 151 shooter.

It is irreverent and crosses the censorship ratings of what today could be considered M/A for mature audiences only. However, most of those playing may not necessarily be considered or meet the definition of "mature" during gameplay.

Cards against humanity is a topical card game which allows the players to delve into their dark side and complete the phrases with the cynical and sometimes depraved answers they would never dare to speak aloud in normal conversation.  And yet, at a table filled with diverse players and friends from all walks, no offenses are taken. Laughter  roars and the game rolls on.

I admit I was at first shocked at the nature of the questions and answers. But after a short period of observation, I too began to laugh.  I know....I know.....Most of those from my generation simply would NEVER understand......but I did. Maybe its having children at a a later age and understanding the generation. But, I even found myself willing to join in. 

Its not for the sensitive or easily offended.  It can be dark, racist, sexually explicit, and irreverent in a million and one ways....but....if you take it with a grain of salt and realize it is meant to be humorous like a raunchy comedic act, it can be just as fun as all the other games in your arsenal.

Caution...this is an adults only game. It is not a family friendly game for all ages.  Not recommended for children under the age of 18 (they should not even be in listening distance). But if you want to spice things up and shake off the boredom....this will do it.

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