Sometimes it's a babbling brook or a trickling faucet, and other times its the roar of a mighty water fall or white rapids of the icy snow melt as they make their way to the seas.
There are days its more like liquid mercury, fluid but deceptive, shape changing, morphing itself from one pool into another...dividing...converging....dividing again...and once again coming back together.
There are days the temperature of life is ice cold, frigid. And others it is scalding hot to the soul. I prefer the days of warm and soothing or simply cool and refreshing. But.....don't we all? Or do we? Some people thrive on the reminds them of just how alive they are. It energizes them and provides them with a purpose to fight.
I think the chaos and the fight are for the young. I think I've faced my share of chaos and fight on life's terms, and now a little smooth water would be perfect. Soft filtered water...perhaps a nice salt soak to help soothe my aching muscles. :)
Life is fluid, mine is far from over, and I've many more seas to sail and storms to weather before I'm through, but for now, a nice calming moment would be nice.
I'm good at going with the flow...I've nailed that down....but today I'm planting my feet firmly out of the current.
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