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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Wrapping it Up and Putting Bow on it

As 2014 comes to an official close, I sit here in front of my key board and I take a deep breath and sigh of relief.  It's been a good year. Not without it's challenges.....what would life be without a little challenge after all,  but it has been a year of more highs than lows and one which is ending on an upswing.

Any year which ends with a desire to see the ball drop and hear the horns beep, is a good one. It's the years that make you want to crawl under the covers and sleep away the last moments pretending it never happened that are to be forgotten, and yet..... somehow never are. 

This year I saw my boys mature a little more, as they each faced their own life challenges and came out wiser, stronger, better. I faced my own health head on determined to take whatever measures are necessary to ensure I remain as relevant and vibrant a part of my children and someday grandchildren lives as long as possible. This year Jeff and I completed another year as a couple bringing us 1 year closer to our 10th anniversary. 

I discovered this year that each of us truly do have our own truths and paths to walk and sometimes convergence takes its' sweet ass time in bringing us together.  Many times in life we converge, then circumstances pull us apart. But if we are patient and forgiving enough, convergence can happen again if we allow our hearts and minds to accept it.

There are those paths that are intended to never converge, too toxic to the soul to contemplate, but they are fewer and much more evident and clear making them easy to avoid.

I have been fortunate to have found my paths and my lines of convergence brightly lit. It's as if someone walked before me lighting torches along the way so I wouldn;t get lost. Thnak you for that greater universe. :)

This year as I ring out the old and in the new I will be holding in my heart a sister, two brothers, two sons, a love who cares for me deeper than I could ever dream, and more friends than I could ever count.

I am loved, and I love, I laugh and I bring laughter to others, I smile and I make others smile, and I hope....I always hope.....never ending hope...............For a Happy and successful 2015.

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