Well isn't that a hoot. The last time I was called little miss fancy pants I was wearing a full length Fox fur coat from my first husband and it was a said with a snear by someone jealous. O.k.......first of all yes..I said fur coat. I was precocious then and thought that symbols of success WERE success. Oh so young....and naive. Life had a lot of teaching yet to do back then. Lots of hard paths paved with jagged stones before I found my smooth walkway.
When we are young we seek the simpler paths, the road of least resistence with the greatest perceived reward. The more immediate the reward the better. We don't think about the addages our parents spout about things being too easy coming at a price. We want what we want, and we can't see the greater picture....at least not right away.
Life has a way of teaching its lessons. Sometimes subtly, and sometimes with no compassion or empathy at all... just brutal and full force. But lessons are important. We learn to appreciate even the mundane. No blessing is too small, and we learn that material possessions can't buy happiness and wealth does not always equal success. Success is so much more than just money and fur coats.
Love and friendship; peace with ones self; acceptance and compassion; these are all signs of success. The measure of a man is not the size of his bank account but the size of his heart. Sort of a plagarized ripoff from someone elses famous quote, but you get it....right?
This morning I was called little miss fancy pants because of an organization choice. At last...Success based solely on my obsessive compulsive need to have things in order; a place for everything and everything in its place. My system was the "fancy" in fancy pants. No snears inferred, it was a compliment, and one I appreciated.
I can still be little miss fancy pants, with my fashion choices, my food choices, my interests........but earning the title with my OCD need to control the elements in my immediate world.....well that was Fancy.
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