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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Still Clumsy

Sometimes I just have to laugh at the clown show that is me.  I am ever increasingly more clumsy and uncoordinated. It's more than hand eye  skill, it's putting one foot in front of the other. It's about walking and chewing gum at the same time.

Now I am a fairly intelligent woman, I converse well with others, I retain knowledge gained, and I use logic to resolve situations.  The problem is, I can't do physically exerting things while my thought processes are in charge. I lose focus, and BAM, down on the mat I go (or the curb, or the treadmill, or simply the floor around me).

No matter how active I want to become, it is clear that with it comes an inherent danger of clumsiness and peril for me. I become a one woman entertainment mecca for those observing. The living embodiment of a blooper real in everyday life. If video was rolling when I'm around, buckets of cash could be made off the lunacy of my failures.

"The treadmill is my friend", a mantra I should repeat a thousand times each day before I go to the gym. Maybe then it wouldn't kick my butt. It's clear that walking is my thing. Running is out of the question because that requires me to let go of the hand rails and, yep you guessed it....Splat.

Heck there are days a pine cone on the driveway trips me up, what makes anyone think putting me on a fast paced moving walkway could offer anything but trouble. Today's bumps and bruises make it clear that regardless of training, active lifestyle choices, or simple healthy living, I will always be a klutz. I have to focus on the task at hand and as soon as a distraction or random thought enters the picture, it's time for the laugh track.

Born clumsy, grew up clumsy, still clumsy. If I don't laugh at myself I might cry. It's easier to take it lightly and know where my strengths are and are not.  I have to laugh, it's quite the comical picture.

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