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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Shadows in My Hallway

Have you ever found yourself simply reading a book or watching Game of Thrones when all at once every hair on your arms stands straight up? You know that feeling you get when you get a shiver and the prickly tingles on the back of your neck?

No not the prickly tingles when your foot falls asleep! The other ones! The ones triggered when you see something move in the shadows out of the corner of your eye.  Your'e casually relaxing one minute and the next your heart is racing and your full of panic? paranoia? wonder? what is it? What is this feeling that has you jittery and checking your perimeter every few seconds. Maybe it was someone else who is home....no...that can't be it....everyone is either in the room with you or gone.  Awwww....maybe it was one of the dogs.......no that's not it either...they are all outside running and playing in the yard, chasing ladybugs, and squirrels.

Could it be the gerbils got out?.....Nope still in the cage. The Tortoise....fat chance! Maybe shadows from the tree outside or a car driving by.....not likely. 

So what is it?  What causes those momentary shifts and disturbances? If it always happened when I was alone, I could attribute it to lonliness or fear. But it happens when the house is full of people too. A shadow crosses the hallway, or moves across the room, a shift in light and room temperature. Is it a ghost? Some poor soul trapped in the house, bound by unfinished business....maybe they can summon help? Is it one of the many spirits of those I've loved and lost, reassuring me that they are always there with me, nearby and present?

Is it simply energy, somehow compacted into a more dense field, shifting around me?  Or is it much more innocent, basic, and silly, just my imagination, running wild?

I never know. But when it happens, it wakes me up and keeps on my toes. Sometimes I say, "Hi daddy, hows it going today?".....and sometimes I imagine I can hear his answer.  That doesn't make me crazy.....does it?

For a realist, I actually enjoy tinkering in the unreal world, intangible all around us.

Do you have ghosts? What do you think it is?  Maybe it's a dust cloud.....though that would be very bad for my OCD.  :)


  1. When Kristopher was born, I was living in my grandmother's house a few months after she passed away. We rented it from my Aunt. Kris was sleeping in the bassinet right next to my bed. He woke up for the early morning feeding. I went out and put the plastic bottle we use to use, and put it in a old tea kettle with water to warm up the formula. I went back in the bedroom to change the baby, but he had fallen back to sleep. So I thought I will just lay here for a few minutes until the bottle is ready. I fell asleep and next thing, I felt someone tapping me on my shoulder. I sat straight up and looked around for Jennifer. Nope. Than I saw the smoke coming down the hallway. I ran to go turn off the stove but couldn't, so I ran back and woke up Rod. He ran through the smoke to get the tea kettle and MELTED bottle mess outside. We opened windows and doors. It was so gross. Rod felt sick and went out to sleep in the car. I went back to bed and kept trying to figure out who or what tapped me on my shoulder. With my eyes closed, I thought I heard a ragged voice saying Naaannnncccccyyyyy, way up high in the hallway doorway. I opened my eyes thinking it was Rod and got up to see if he was sicker. But he was asleep in the car. Whoa...Now I'm freaking out. It took me 3 days to realize it was my grandmother's voice saying my name. She was the one that tapped me on the shoulder and later called my name. It was her voice exactly. I was nervous to stay in the house but my mom explained to me that she saved our lives. I went home and was so thankful she was there in the afterlife to take care of us in her house.

    1. Wow! That is very cool. Actually gave me chills. I think the ones we have loved and lost are ALWAYS with us. You grandmother saved you. No doubt about it. Love this story.
