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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Time to Shake Things Up

Ready....Set.....Go.......Here we go again, time to shake things up a teeny tiny bit. 

My landlord, the third since I moved into the house I am in a little over 2 1/2 years ago, contacted me to schedule a "walk through".  My house has been sold twice to new "investors" since I first moved in, and am accustomed to changing landlords every 10 months or so. No big deal.....I've got this. Easy Peasy.

They will be here at 9:00 a.m.   I will go into work late, so that I can be home as they walk through my personal space. Here they are.......Only...This 'investor" doesn't feel like an investor. This is different somehow. The walk through is over, but I can't shake this feeling, that this time we are not going to be able to dodge the bullet. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. Nope.....I 'm home from work and why is that "investor" walking his mother around the property and showing her my home while I am not here? Ah....surprised him.  Like a kid with his hand in the cookie jar.  I have a feeling this house isn't about an investment but a place for mom. 

Two weeks go by, and no news is good news.  Maybe we did skip the guillotine this time....Maybe. 

Whats that...I recognize the number on my cell phone and this knot in my stomach says I really don't want to answer it but I have to. As I expected, my current landlord is terminating my lease early due to the sale. We have 60 days to vacate.  Fun.

I really hate moving, but like every change in life, in the end, no matter how afraid we are, no matter how much we resist, if we simply let ourselves go with the flow, it takes to us a better place.  We always end up where we belong. 

I know its crazy, but moving might be a good thing, even if I didn't plan for it. We can do this and the silver lining is always there. I can name at least 3 silver linings right now. 

Here we go...

1. No more neighbor sketching out and working on his cars at 3 a.m.
2. No more crazy neglectful pet adoption lady allowing her wandering dogs to dig at my fence
3. No more leaky storage shed issues ruining my holiday decorations, I might have a garage.

There is always a reason for change, even if I can't see it clearly up-front.  Everything will be fine and we will have a fresh perspective and new view.

Wish us luck as we search and apply for a new home.


  1. Moving is like Spring Cleaning. Everything will be clean and orderly. Well, at least for a few weeks..lol I always loved moving. I always found it to be a fun adventure.

    1. Another silver lining.....I am very stressed as we look, but once I know where we are going I should be ok and even anxious just to get it done. Maybe you and Rod can come down and help us unpack. :)
