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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Borderline OCD...No border about it

As I find myself this week preparing for a move from one home to another, I realized while taking a moment to rest from the incessant chore of packing, that I might be a bit OCD. 

O.k., I'll give you a moment to gather yourself and stop laughing.  Catch your breath and wipe the tears from you eyes. Did you hurt yourself when you fell off the chair from laughing so hard?  Yes I know....referring to myself as a "bit OCD" is like calling cotton candy a little bit sweet or ammonia a little bit pungent. An understatement for sure, but sometimes it good to be humble, even about our idiosyncrasies.

Moving on....

I realized in this moment of epiphany that  packing 3-6 weeks ahead might be a bit obsessive. But its the only way I can sleep at night. 

Making matters all the more disturbing is the fact that as I packed my video library, I did it in such a way as to not compromise it's beautiful organization.  Yes my DVD's are all packed alphabetically, as are my books by genre.

I know this need to find control in the little things in my life must be a pshychiatrist dream to decipher and define. But its simple really....I like structure and space. Everything has its place and a place for everything.

We take possession of keys to the next house on the 8th but we wont actually live there until the 22nd. This will allow us time to prepare the back yard to prevent a wiener dog escape, time for me to clean what most people would consider an already clean house, to a clean that meets my needs of course.  It will give us time to transition, move in stages, put things away, and then move some more.

It's funny, I can't live out of boxes when I get to where I am going to be, I can't even fall asleep that first night if there is yet a box waiting, but I can't sleep where I am at now either unless the boxes are full and waiting to go.

It's a conundrum, I know. Buts it all makes sense to me. I am a planner, not a procrastinator. I see the big picture, but sometimes get mired in the muck of the details. Moving with me, can be stressful, but it can be easy too. I do all the pre-work. All you have to do is load it up, load it in, and leave me to put it all away.

I think I need a bottle of wine,  not to worry......I know exactly what box I packed it in. :)


  1. Hey, my niece Dr Susanne Duvall who is a Psychologist, lives in Portland....I'll ask her to clear her schedule for you...haha My family is a smorgasbord for her, but she can't treat family..lol

    1. LOL, a Psych in the family might not be a bad idea. LOL
