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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Flip Flops

I intially posted this blog on September 25, 2012, but given events of this morning, I feel it bears repeating.

Yes, I’m talking about the shoes, not the people who are wishy washy and change their opinions and loyalties like they change their underwear (or so we hope).  Flip Flops the shoes.   

There really should be some general guidelines around how and when these can be worn.  For Instance: You can’t wear them in autumn or winter!!  We live in the Northwest people, for goodness sake its often 35 degrees outside and it is not o.k. for you to be wearing a sandal that was made for the sand and beach and 90 degree temperatures.  And by the way, your feet look horrible, ugly, atrocious, you should be required to encapsulate them at all times inside tidy little close toed shoes.  I really don’t need or want to see those nasty black and yellow toenails and the crust cakes across your heels.  The fungus between your toes and underneath the nails, is that contagious, and what is that smell? I think I just threw up a little in the back of my mouth.

Now I know this sounds mean, but truly, the people wearing these wonderful shoes in the middle of winter are the same people who are uninsured and in the hospital with pneumonia on someone else' dime. Perhaps they could have prevented their illness by wearing appropriate shoes. They  are the same people with a toddler in the stroller without a jacket and barefoot in the middle of November in the Northwest!

Finally, I know it might be unbearably tempting when next summer arrives, and flip flop season is here, to slide your feet into the lazy man shoes,  but there are still some general guidelines which should be applied.  Once again if you are the aforementioned violator of the winter shoe flip flops, your feet are STILL too offensive to wear them in the summer, please don’t. Also, even for your pretty feet people, flip flops are also not appropriate in a professional work environment (the people or the shoes). Even if you cover up those hideous nails and the underlying fungus with polish, we cans still see the crusty heels and that loathsome callous. Also, if your going to present your feet as having had a pedicure, keep it up, chipped, fading, and half worn off polish is worse than none at all. 

In Summary , in the workplace Heel Straps would be better. Nice dressy flip flop style sandals might pass (though I hate the sound of them flip flopping up and down the hallways) but please take care to make sure your feet are clean and properly cared for. The truth is, simply, though anyone can wear flip flops, not everyone should. 

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