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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Life in Technicolor and High Definition

Let’s face it, life is meant to be a never ending learning curve, full of challenges and growth opportunities.  If, as a kid, you went to the carnival and loved the roller coaster, then you are inherently designed at the core, to face life. The truth is, that life is one giant roller coaster, but in the end, when it’s time to get off the ride, you are invigorated and proud and oh so glad you did it, or at least you should hope to be.

Most people who know me today didn’t know me 10 years ago. I am a different woman today than I was then and they would never recognize me. Today, I am optimistic, strong, independent, ferociously protective and loyal, and I value every minute that goes by. I am little Ms. Eternal Silver Lining.  It can be an annoyance, I know really really annoying, but I’ve also seen it in action and it can be very uplifting and inspirational when necessary. I like this about myself, but at the same time I struggle with it.  Does it make me disconnected and out of touch with reality?

Back to my original thought…  I have in another lifetime, lived in the black and white and shades of grey world.  Sadly, for long extended periods. No, not the “shades of gray” found in today’s highly entertaining and erotic best seller, but shades of grey as in life by the numbers. No color, no bright moments, no flavor, it is dull and dreary like the cinematic equivalent of the great depression, which is ironic, because it IS depression.  It’s not a pleasant place to be, physically or emotionally. It is in fact torturous but you’re so numb you don’t realize the pain you’re in. This existence is just that, EXISTENCE. But existing is not living.  We all get there, even little Ms. Silver Lining has spent exhaustive weeks and months at time visiting this shadowed place, but the key is breaking free, waking up and living again.  Open your eyes and your heart to the world around you.  Allow yourself to be vulnerable, to feel, to touch, to breathe again, deep cleansing life giving breaths, and as you take in that oxygen of life, the colors will flood through.  

Life in black and white is o.k., I’m not condemning it, it’s safe, and you feel no pain, and sometimes you need that place to heal and hide, this is simply cautionary, just don’t get lost in it. Because, you see,  life in Technicolor, though risky and sometimes painful is also full of joy and creativity and beauty. 

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