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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Monday, September 24, 2012

A Case of the Mondays...???

Not everyone will understand this reference, but MANY will. It is an homage to one of my all-time favorite movies, “Office Space”.  The question is , are you having a case of the Monday’s? 

Monday is that day of the week which follows Sunday.  It is, for those who work in a typical Office environment, the day after our weekend, that short two day vacation we are allowed to take EVERY week.  Monday is the day you wake up at the butt crack of dawn and as you grumble while stumbling out of bed, you wish more than anything that you had “just one more hour of sleep” or “just one more day of weekend”.   You ask out loud “do I have to?” followed by a run through in your head of what’s on your desk and when is the last time you called in on a Monday (wouldn’t want to make a habit of it).  Then you decide, begrudgingly, to get your lazy hiney out of bed and go anyway.

I don’t know why Monday’s in the office are any different than any other day of the week, but the atmosphere is different and the workload seems heavier.  I think it’s just an illusion though.  If I really think about it,  my Monday expectations aren’t any different than my Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday.  So what it is really that causes this phenomenon?  I think it’s a state of mind. 

The nice thing is, my mind is unique and doesn’t seem to follow the same patterns as everyone else.  I love Monday’s.  Monday is the day I start a new to-do list for the week. Monday is the day I feel refreshed and ready to go.  Monday is like a new beginning every week.  Like starting over. Fresh starts are good.

I know I’m different, I like the smell of fresh paint , and of hair perm solutions.  The smell of fresh tires, new shoes, and the smell of racing fuel.  These are all some of my favorites.  What gives others a headache, makes me smile and vroom vrooms my heart beat. I like Monday’s. I get to hear about everyone’s weekend excursions and map out my week.  It’s possible I might need some form of therapy?

Do you have a case of the Mondays? 


1 comment:

  1. Hair perm solutions? haha, that is funny. But probably no weirder than me liking the smell of a new doll, weed killer from the 1960's that they used at the schools and a new car smell. My mom loves the smell of a skunk...lol
