About Me

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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Welcome to my Blog

This is my first foray into the world of blogging and I am actually very excited.  Not because I think I have anything to say that’s going to change the world, but because it will be nice to get all these voices out of my head.  The random chaos that sidetracks me from sanity.  Some might say I am obsessive compulsive, some might say I am opinionated, some might think me odd, but I think even the oddities can be insightful.  A little grain of sand can shift an entire ocean. Today I woke up wondering where the hours between when I went to bed and when my alarm went off had disappeared to. I swear I just closed my eyes for a minute.  The news this morning is all about the presidential race, and though I have my own feelings about the issues at hand, I won’t make this a political soapbox.  I will simply say, listen to your heart and follow your instincts.  This is how I live my life and it has served me well as a woman, as a mother, as a person.   They say Fall starts this weekend and I’m glad,  I love the fall colors and smells of pumpkin spice and fireplaces, not the garbage in the fireplace my neighbor sometimes burns, mind you, but wood and pine cones.    Speaking of pumpkin spice, Starbucks has their pumpkin spice latte back on the menu and you can color me happy.  I’m wondering as I start this journey of sharing my mind and the therapy it is, how do you end a daily blog?  Is it with some quip like Ron Burgundy, a personal tag line, or is it with some insightful summary and wisdom like the narrator in Grey’s Anatomy or Desperate Housewives?  Maybe there is no closing line? I just end my thoughts abruptly like falling asleep in the middle of a conversation?  Maybe I just play it by ear, keep you guessing, change it up and do whatever makes “sense” in the world of “My Two Sense Worth”. 


  1. I will be one of your Blog followers and comment when your Two Sense Worth is something I might find amusing. Which might be all the time, as you do amuse me...lol Blog Away!

  2. I guess I'm now known as unknown? Nancy here.
