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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sushi Go-Round - Pet Peeve

O.k. I have a pet peeve that is growing exponentially every time I hit any of my local Sushi go-round style restaurants.

Let me start by saying Sushi is hands down one of my favorite meals. I love to try new foods, and new cultures, but Sushi could easily become a staple in my diet and I would be a happy happy woman.

I have several high end sushi restaurants that I truly enjoy going to. They are a special treats. I do live on a budget and have to be conservative most of the time, but a splurge for great sushi is an occasional MUST.

To add to my joy, my son Wyatt loves sushi too, and I have over the last 7 years (has it been 7 years already) even been able to nurture an appreciation for sushi in Jeff. Its really lovely, when on a Saturday afternoon drive while contemplating what to do for lunch, he proffers up "hey, what about Sushi, I could really go for some sushi right about now".  It brings a mile wide grin to my face.  Granted, his tastes are still developing and he has a lot of adventure awaiting him, but for now he appreciates the basics and I can be patient (no really I can!)

Onward, time to get back on track, I didn't start this post to brag about good Sushi and great companions, I started it to point out a great irritation.  Sushi Go-Rounds.

I frequent my local Sushi go-rounds for 3 reasons, 1. Price  2. Variety  3. Convenience.  When I first started going to the conveyor belt sushi restaurants, I noticed the quality wasn't always high, but the price was good and as long as the fish is edible and tastes right I can compromise. Its clearly frozen, not fresh, but when I can walk away with a full feeling for $13 instead of $50 my wallet and my stomach are content. When I first started going to conveyor belt sushi, the belt was always full, variety was good, and it was a quick and easy experience.  There were no special orders, you chose from what was provided, and you were happy with the overall experience.

Now, everywhere I go the experience is greatly disappointing. The belts are empty because the sushi chefs are so busy taking and making special orders they aren't  producing plates for the belt. If people want special order sushi then they should go to a restaurant where they can sit at a table and place their order. DO NOT compromise my conveyor belt quantity for your demands.  Conveyor belt sushi restaurants should simply say, sorry no special orders and focus on keeping the belt full and the customer, who understands the nature of this conceptual business, happy.

Please let me have my cheap but satisfying sushi experience back. Take whats on the belt and enjoy it, and if your not happy then go to a different restaurant and order from a menu.  Stop ruining my Sushi Go-Rounds!

Please and Thank You. (never say I don't have manners)

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