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I always wanted to write a book but could never focus long enough to make it happen. Maybe this blog will inspire me. Or maybe it can be an outlet for my jumbled thoughts and opinions. You may not always agree with me, but that's o.k. I would love to hear your thoughts anyway.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Side Splitting Laughter

Did you ever have a silly moment when you just laughed so hard you couldn't stop? You can't catch your breath, and your sides ache? It brings tears to your eyes that roll down your cheeks but your not sad, your smiling? You can't stop yourself and if your lucky, you might even pee your pants. That's a good laugh.  A laugh that makes you fall off your seat and fills you up. I love it when my face hurts from smiling.

I hope you have had that moment of pure unadulterated silliness, because it makes the days without folly so very worth it. Sometimes we get so lost in being adults we forget that what keeps us young and vibrant is laughter. I try to have these moments often.

I know its childish, and even sometimes unprofessional, but sometimes I just have to release the silly. I spend my life being responsible me, carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders, so if I indulge in a little goofy to find my center, then just laugh with me.  Don't judge me because you "don't get it", I am not "immature"...trust me I am VERY mature. For once, unbutton your stuffy collar, let go of your inhibitions, forget all the rules that say be serious, and just try to let go, let the laughter grab you and take you where IT wants to go.  I'm lucky enough to have friends who expect the unexpected and allow me to be rambunctious and crazy,  in a non hallucinogenic way of course. And at home, well I just let it all hang out. Did you know that as a mom to two sons I have learned to embrace the humor in bodily functions.  Gross right?  But yes..in measure....burps and farts can be funny.

You may never know exactly what to expect from me on any given day, but you can be certain chances are high you're going to get a big smile and maybe some laughter out of it. Consider yourself entertained, and join in.

Whats the last thing that made you laugh? 

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